Sunday, December 11, 2011

just a thought...

Today in church I heard a great quote that really made me think. With the start of something great tomorrow, I wanted to take a minute and share my thoughts. Thanks for humoring me as I do...

"No pressure, no diamonds". On the way home we told Addie about how precious diamonds are made. It led me to think about other precious things that are made under pressure.

Thinking about the last 18 months and teaching in general, pressure is one thing that is pretty strong. As a faculty and community, we made it through an outdoor campus where hot days were hot and cold days cold. We worked together to make it work, while still thinking about what the kids needed. Bathrooms down the hall and gates that had to be monitored extra carefully. Emotionally we grieved as we lost a friend and co-worker who truly had a heart for kids. Babies were born, and positions cut. Packing mid year, and maintaining a normal classroom environment (at a crazy time of the year already) without loosing our minds. No pressure, no diamond.

Personally, I look at my sweet class that takes challenges everyday and works through them like kids can only do. So tomorrow, at 7:30 our Diamond will open. In it will come more challenges but wonderful rewards. Rest assured the people you trust your kids to everyday are up for the challenge. We have grown as friends and professionals, and I am honored to work everyday in a job that lets me make diamonds. See you in the morning for a DIAMOND DAZZLING DAY!

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