Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wow! Has it only been 1 week?

I can't believe it has only been 1 week.  We are already doing things like we have been in school a month.  I am SO impressed with these kids (and already head over heals in love with each one)!  This week has been full of name games, learning excitement, and make connections.  Today I took some time to ask students to think about what their favorite part of the week was.  We really worked on giving small moments and using specific details.  This is what they had to say (some students chose to pass)...

Analiese -"When I looked at the class list on the door and saw my teacher's name"

Madison, Aiden, Timothy, Raymond, Eliana and Dylan - all loved the blue monster that fell from the art room ceiling.  HE even tried to eat Kaila's hair tie.  Be sure to ask about this one!

Nicole loved art.

Kaila enjoyed coming to meet the teacher.

Trinity "when we made a graph on the way we go home, there are more people riding in cars" (LOVE the math language more!)

Katherine - "playing the name game and being able to win!"

Ben "Getting the card in the mail that said I had Mrs. Johnson)

Holly "Meeting Mrs. Johnson"

Caden "the moment that I met Mrs. Johnson"

 Sarina "meeting Mrs. Johnson"

Nikolas "the very 1st time I started learning"

Bennett "the number of the day"

Ethan "the day I gave you the book as a present"

Joe "making a human number line"

Emerson " meeting new friends"

Enjoy the pictures I took from the week. It is going to be a GREAT year!

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